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The Material for Users who dont Like to be Defrauded

This article is dedicated to the problems of cheating the costumers that is keenly arisen in different spheres of trading today. Capitalistic way of life made persons forget about the relations amid average persons and everyone looks only for his or her gain. You will find less and less businessmen and sellers who will offer you to return your money back when you show him bad quality of goods.

They are attempting to sell each product that is spoiled, for them not to throw it away and have some gain out of it. So, this article is made for you to be really cautious while purchasing various goods. We'll try to answer the problems you would like to ask. One woman told me the story about her new shoes.

She put them at the first time and a high heel had been broken immediately. When she took it back to the shop, the trader said that she had worn it in the bad way and refused to give back the money. The lady didn't want to debate and left everything as it happened. And lawyers from protection of customers claim that anyone has to understand their rights and struggle for them.

This is an average alibi that shoes were carried wrong or anything like that. In such case a seller has to show how to utilize a product. For example there may be a manual within the package like this: the shoes are made only for evening purposes and you shouldn't wear it in other cases. But every person understands that no one will agree to buy such shoes. This is a good reason for consumers to complaint on the products.

If you are in such happening you have faced with scam. In different countries the laws can provide the complaint to a quality of goods to two years after purchasing. It means that you may complaint even if the warranty period is run out. Due to it a seller has extra duties that he has to stick to.

But the point is that you can't give back your old shoes that are wasted due to the time you carried it, but you can exchange bad greed shoes or to have the money back if the truth is on your side. Of course every customer has a privilege to complaint when there is no conformity to the conditions of an agreement. If there are no elements those are required, for example. Or you find a manual text puzzling, partial or incomprehensible. And also if there is no instruction at all or a costumer can't read it. So, if such kind of questions appeared you may easily go to a shop and complaint for your rights.

If you see that a product is of a low quality and you may prove it, than you are to come to your seller and claim. Your 1 action must be negotiation with the trader. When a seller rejects your complaints you may easily make it in writing. A claim should be written in duplicate enumerating everything that does not suit you in a product and to attach there a replica of a check. You have to write there also about a compensation you'd like to receive. You can receive exchanging, restoring or the money.

One of the documents you should leave with you and the second one you are to send to a tradesman. A trader's obligation is to accept the document. If he refuses, you may claim to a protection of consumers. A tradesman has 10 days to answer to a complaint.

But if a seller persists on your misdeed the examination will be sent. The examination will indicate who is wrong and that person will pay all the costs. Here we tried to show you a process of returning your money in the case of its low grade. But you have to refer to the laws of your state and get some more information about this problem.

Today each developed country wishes to secure the people from dangerous product and we wish them to reach a progress.

Our corporation is specially made for you to have various info about various types of products. We present to you the internet site where you can find wholesome facts about bad quality of goods. One of our services is that everyone can leave his or her comments and share the experience with scam. You may be certain in our info and also you can get here a consultation of customer lawyers.

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