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Borat In Rehearsal - Foo Fighters Love Him

Borat In Rehearsal - Foo Fighters Love Him

Borat has begun rehearsals for his role as the host of tonight's MTV Europe Music Awards and Foo Fighters are suitably impressed.

You can be sure that Borat will be unlike any of his EMAs host predecessors and this has been confirmed by his rehearsal. We can't give too much away but let's just say that his choice of dancers is somewhat shocking and surprising. What's not surprising though is the fact that he's hilarious and offensive. Don't let your grandma tune-in.

One band who are particularly excited about Borat's governing of tonight’s EMAs proceedings are the Foo Fighters, performers at tonight's Lisbon ceremony. "I love Borat, I'm a huge fan," Dave Grohl told MTV News's Tim Kash. "I watch his TV show all the time. I can’t wait to see how much trouble he's gonna make man, cos you know he’s gonna make trouble right?!"

To see just how much trouble Borat causes, tune-in to the MTV Europe Music Awards tonight at 7pm on MTV.

The MTV Europe Music Awards are sponsored by LG and Replay Blue Jeans.


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